Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My crazy boy...
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summa' Time!

I have been feeling crafty and wanted to make some things for my classroom. I made a sign to hang outside my classroom door, it will have the name in the pink part soon. I showed it to Whitney and she gave me the idea to paint a cork board too! So I made a bigger version to hang on my wall by my desk. I will probably use it to hang family and class pictures up.

We got to babysit sweet NJ while Whitney went to a workshop. We really enjoyed having her...maybe in the next year we can think about having a sweet little baby... just maybe...

This is his new spot! He even hid from me yesterday. I walked in and didn't see him, just a bunch of toy baskets under there. He hid behind the toys and stayed there for a long time. I started to panic a little because I couldn't find him and didn't think he was under the bed with all the toys! Goof!

Friday, June 10, 2011
Wow! It's been almost a WHOLE year since I've posted!!
October: Jeff quit Rockwall Ford!! He is now an independent insurance agent and we love it. Still working on building up the client base, but he is so happy and has more time to be a happy husband and daddy! He was actually able to coach Jo's baseball team this spring! YOU NEED TO LET HIM GIVE YOU A QUOTE!! jeff@farmnhome.com check him out on facebook
December: Christmas! Fun times!
January: I was blessed to be able to teach kinder for a friend of mine while she stayed home with her beautiful new daughter! It really made me feel great that she requested for me to teach in her classroom while she was home. I really felt like her class was my "first" class. I had a blast despite a few tough kids.
March: Jeff's Birtday!
Baseball Season Started! Jeff got to coach, finally! we only won 2 games of 11, but our last game really showed some improvement in our team! Most of the kids want to return to our team next year so we hope to have more time to practice, learn and grow as a team.
We put our house on the market!! We really need/want to be back in Wylie. We spend so much time there; I work there, Jo goes to school there, our families are there, friends are there, baseball is there... tell your friends about our house here is our listinghttp://www.2817spencercir.cbapex.com/
April: Jo's Birthday! We had another successful party at the park in Rockwall! Love cheap, fun days for the kids!
When Whitney came back to her classroom, I moved over to another kinder class for a teacher on bedrest. I finished the year with them and learned a lot this semester!
May: Birthday for me!! The day before my birthday my principal texted Jeff to see if we were in wylie and we were so confused. After he told her no, she called me and told me she forgot to tell me happy birthday. (I wasn't going to be at school the next day on my birthday) I still was confused becasue she had in fact told me happy birthday. She then told me she knew I would have a tough day the next day and wanted to give me something good to hold on to... her exact words... "Heather Buckley, I am officially offering you a third grade position at Birmingham next year!!!" I cried and screamed, then looked across the table and Jeff and he too was crying! What great news! We were getting really worried I wouldn't get a job with the crazy budget crisis in education right now! Yay! I'm really going to be a teacher!! For Real!
Staci and I also had our annual birthday getaway in May! It was fantastic. I really enjoy having this time with Staci Bo! Best massage of my life!
June: Summer Time!!!!!!! I love it! A lot of my summer will consist of working at school but hey-I have a classroom!! I'm teaching in August!!
Jo was retested for GT (gifted and talented program) this year and got in! He was super excited and so were we. Of course we knew he was a smartie pants, but now the school does too! haha!
Also, our sweet 'nephew' (Luke Riley Thomason) should be here soon! I can't wait to meet him and spoil him rotten!!
Phew! That was a lot!