Well, it's been a REALLY long time since I have posted so I suppose I should do that before the year comes to an end. I never showed you pictures from classroom. I did on facebook, so I guess you could have already seen them if you are my facebook friend. I am having a great "real" first year teaching 3rd grade. My kids are so sweet and really work hard. They amaze me everyday. I do miss teaching the kinder babies sometimes though, I don't know if it is because I miss how well I worked with my team, if it is the age, or the love those babies have for school. My kids really have started to show a love for learning, but it just seems to be in a different way. I absolutely love how independent my kiddos have become. That is something you rarely see in kinder! I got an amazing Christmas card from one of my students that just put everything into perspective. He told me that I was his favorite teacher of all his teachers he has had so far! I can't wait to see how he will grow as a learner and a young man in the years to come. I strive to always be that "favorite" teacher!!! :)
Here are some pictures of my room before school actually started, it never stays this clean. The furniture will be different after Christmas as well. We had new carpet put in over the break and I am going to rearrange and try to fit my old futon couch in there some where. I think my kids would enjoy it.
Jeff and I worked hard on this super cool baseball table!
W had a great Christmas this year, as you can tell from this picture of Jo. I didn't take a lot of pictures because I'm a loser I guess. I do have some from the in-law's house but they are on my real camera and I have yet to get them on my NEW LAPTOP!!
Here is a picture of the totally cool lego table Santa and Mrs. Claus spent loads of time and effort building for Jo while he stayed the night with his Granny before Christmas. I found it in a magazine and had to do it. It can later be flipped over and turned into a desk for Jo when he out grows his legos...if that happens! And now we will finally have somewhere to keep all the legos in one spot!

One of Jo's presents from his Granny and Grandaddy was a season pass to Six Flags/Hurrican Harbor. They bought one for all 3 grandkids as well as one for them. Grandaddy called yesterday to say he wasn't doing anything at work and he was leaving to take the kids to Six Flags. I just couldn't bare to let him take Jo to Six Flags for the very first time without me there to see how he reacted...so Jeff and I bought season passes too! We all loaded up and went out to Holiday in the park for the day. The kids had SO much fun! It was a blast to see Jo's face on each ride. Some were laughing faces, while others were scared out of my mind faces. He was hilarious. He must of been very worn out too becuase he slept in later than ever this morning and has been really lazy today. Maybe we should go more often!

Jo has also started playing basketball this season... That is a new experience for all of us. I like that he is trying something new, but boy do I miss baseball. Which is good since Jo will now be playing on a select tournament team. A student of mine plays on the team and his dad is the coach, he had jo come play in a tournament before Thanksgiving. The team is a 9 year old team so it was also a big change, but it was fun. Jeff is going to be helping coach and Jo will continue to learn and grow with the older boys. We will continue to play in the regular Wylie league in his age level though during the season. We really enjoy that and I know Jeff loves to coach those kids. We aren't the best team...actually that is an understatement, we won 2 games last season; but it is fun none the less.
Well, I know there is more to tell but I need to get off here and finish up some laundry. I will TRY to post more often, but I can't promise anything!